Coppa Italia
1st Round
14 Aug

Match stats

Logo Lecce Logo Como
52 Ball possession (%) 48
25 Goal attempts 8
10 Shots on Goal 3
10 Shots off Goal 3
5 Blocked shots 2

Lecce vs Como: betting odds 14 Aug 2023

Coppa Italia: previous matches of the tournament

The team hasn't played a game yet this season
The team hasn't played a game yet this season

Team lineups


R. D'Aversa
Player Matches Goals
Wladimiro Falcone
gk. 1 0
Antonino Gallo
df. 2 0
Federico Baschirotto
df. 2 0
Marin Pongračić
df. 2 0
Valentin Gendrey
df. 1 0
Lameck Banda
mf. 2 0
Ylber Ramadani
mf. 2 0
Hamza Rafia
mf. 1 0
Joan Gonzàlez Cañellas
mf. 1 0
Gabriel Tadeu Strefezza Rebelato
fw. 2 1
Pontus Skule Erik Almqvist
fw. 2 1
Federico Brancolini
gk. 1 -4
Alexandru Gabriel Borbei
gk. 0 0
Patrick Chinazaekpere Dorgu Larsson
df. 2 0
Kastriot Luan Dermaku
df. 0 0
Mats Leentje Lemmens
df. 0 0
Zinedin Smajlović
df. 0 0
Alexis Blin
mf. 1 0
Medon Berisha
mf. 1 0
Youssef Maleh
mf. 0 0
Þórir Jóhann Helgason
mf. 0 0
Federico Di Francesco
fw. 1 0
Jeppe Corfitzen
fw. 1 0
Rareş Cătălin Burnete
fw. 1 0
Assan Torrez Ceesay
fw. 0 0
Marcin Listkowski
fw. 0 0

M. Longo
Player Matches Goals
Adrian Šemper
gk. 1 -1
Cas Odenthal
df. 1 0
Federico Barba
df. 1 0
Nicholas Ioannou
df. 1 0
Tommaso Cassandro
df. 1 0
Alessandro Bellemo
mf. 1 0
Lucas da Cunha
mf. 1 0
Moutir Chajia
mf. 1 0
Oliver Abildgaard Nielsen
mf. 1 0
Alberto Cerri
fw. 1 0
Patrick Cutrone
fw. 1 0
Mauro Vigorito
gk. 0 0
Pierre Bolchini
gk. 0 0
Luca Vignali
df. 1 0
Marco Curto
df. 0 0
Marco Sala
df. 0 0
Matteo Solini
df. 0 0
Daniele Baselli
mf. 1 0
Alejandro Blanco Sánchez
mf. 0 0
Tommaso Arrigoni
mf. 0 0
Alessandro Gabrielloni
fw. 1 0
Liam Thomas Kerrigan
fw. 1 0
Suliman-Marlon Mustapha
fw. 1 0
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